Kamis, 15 Februari 2018

Should Mother Abstinence Certain Food Consumption During Breastfeeding?

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Should Mother Abstinence Certain Food Consumption During Breastfeeding?


Jakarta, While breastfeeding, mothers can get advice to abstain from eating certain foods. Because, feared when the mother ate these foods, will happen things that are not desired in infants. "Medically there is no restriction on eating certain foods," said Dr. Wiyarni Pambudi SpA, IBCLC on the sidelines of Media Gathering 'Life Style Solutions Tropical Party' held by Three Generations and Gabag at Titan Center, Bintaro, Tangerang, Saturday (18/3/2017). In fact, according to Dr. Wi, the mother needs to eat foods that make her happy. Indeed, it is best if the mother likes healthy food. Only, when nursing mothers are forced every day to eat vegetables and side dishes that's all, the mother can not be happy. Conditions that can make it depressed and can affect the production of breast milk is decreased because the mother felt stressed. Also read: No IMD After Born, Influence Baby Breastfeeding Process ?, Wi added, it's different to talk allergic to children. Indeed, it could be a reaction to the child when he is allergic to the food consumed by the mother. Disclosed dr Wi, allergies in children is lowered if the mother and father or one of the parties have allergies. For example when the mother of certain protein and the child captures the protein as an allergen, allergy symptoms appear. So, the child is not allergic to mother's milk but the food consumed. The food is affected because the child is allergic, said the doctor who is also chairman of Lactation Center Indonesia (Selasi) this. In both parents who do not have allergies, the child still has ten percent allergic probability. dr Wi emphasize, when the mother to eat a certain intake then there is an allergic reaction, try to stop consumption of the food for a week or two.Usually do better if the trigger is eliminated. Later two to three weeks, tried to eat the intake again, if it appears again yes be challenged to eat it. Means him (baby) food allergies that, said Dr. Wi.Read also: It's What To Look For When Want Breastfeeding Two Children at Once (rdn / vit)





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