Rabu, 30 November 2016

What is the Ideal Weight Kids?

What is the Ideal Weight Kids?
In contrast to a weight loss program in adults, in children who are overweight, the reduction targets to be achieved requires more complicated calculation. This is partly due to the height and weight of children will naturally increase with increasing age of the child. ' "Added mass of organs, bones, and muscles will gain weight," "dr.Grace Judio-Kahl said in his book launch event titled "" Solutions for Kids fat Without Stress "" in Jakarta, Wednesday (05/06/2013) .Perhitungan ideal weight adults, said Grace, generally using the standard body mass index (BMI), which is a calculation of body fat based weight and height. However, the calculation of child's weight can not use BMI saja.Perhitungan child's weight in addition to using IMT also requires a growth chart called BMI-percentile chart. Moreover, these graphs differ between women and men. "" In adults, we can target a period of three months, to be able to go down (weight) so. But in children should be given annual targets and saw the child's age also, "" paparnya.Hal visible for successful weight loss in children is an increasingly slender body but her height increases. Although her weight continues, but the shape of the child's body is getting proposional.Grace say, things that need to be instilled in children, the fundamental principle that only eat when hungry. Eating only "" a "cure" for the hungry and not to be sad, bored, cold, or kepanasan.Untuk teach children about it, the child first must understand the concept of hunger and satiety. Many of the children who still do not understand hunger and satiety with certainty. Grace said, that there they only knew "" want to eat "" and "" glut "". "" If you have this, they want to eat their every thought hungry, though not necessarily the body is needed to eat. While they did not stop eating if it is not able to eat again or satiety. When we should stop eating when full, not stuffed, "" explained founder weight-loss clinic this lighthouse.

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Senin, 07 November 2016

Antibiotics Affect Weight Children

Antibiotics Affect Weight Children
mindful to give antibiotics in infants because of improper administration with an indication of bad for his health. Infants younger than six months are often given antibiotics obesitas.Berat child will grow into overweight or obese will be a negative impact on the health of children. If during the obesity seen only as a result of an unhealthy diet and lack of moves, the latest research says the cause is more complex, including antibiotik.Menurut Leonardo Trasande of the New York University School of Medicine, microbes in our gut play an important role in the absorption of calories , "" Giving antibiotics, especially at a very early age will probably kill the good bacteria that affect the absorption of nutrients into the body so that we avoid obesity, '' said initial Trasande.Penelitian show a link between changes in the trillions of microbial cells in the body with obesity, inflammatory diseases stomach, asthma, and other diseases. But the proximate cause between the two things are not done by Trasande diketahui.Riset this is the first to analyze the link between antibiotic use and weight at age bayi.Peneliti data evaluated the use of antibiotics in 11 552 children born in Britain's Avon region between 1991 and 1992 which follows the long-term study of the health and perkembangan.Hasilnya found, children who are given antibiotics in the first five months of age, weight more than those who were not given antibiotik.Perbedaan between the ages of 10 to 20 months is small, but at the age of 38-month children were given antibiotics 22 percent more likely to experience kegemukan.Periode antibiotics turned out a big impact. Children who recently received antibiotics at the age of 6-14 months did not have a body mass index greater in the future. "" Lately, the farmers have understood that antibiotics are excellent for increasing weight of livestock, '' said one of the researchers, Jan. Bluestein.Meski these results still require research to continue, but there are indications that antibiotics affect the human body weight, including in children.
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